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National Fire Department Registry Help

I don’ know if my department registered.

Search tips

  1. Provide information for only one of these two fields: city or ZIP code.
  2. If your department is not found, try entering just the first three numbers of your ZIP code.
If you still cannot find your department, check with the appropriate personnel in your fire department to see if a registry form was completed. If it wasn’t, you are welcome to register online through this site or download the registration form PDF and email it to

My department registered but I can’t find the listing.

If your department did register and you cannot find the listing, it is possible that the record hasn’t been added to the registry yet. If the registry form was completed online, the record is not automatically entered. You will receive a confirmation number from USFA by email that is used to verify your department’s registration. Once the registration is verified, all data submitted is reviewed by USFA staff for data quality and completeness before it is included in the registry.

I registered but didn’t receive a confirmation number.

If you did not receive a confirmation number, please email us to request your confirmation number.

Other questions?

Please email us and include your fire department name, state location and FDID.