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Four Years Later - A Second Needs Assessment of the U.S. Fire Service

The purpose of this follow-up study was to 1) define the current roles and activities of the fire services on a National, State, regional, and local level; 2) identify the equipment, staffing, and training required to fulfill those roles and activities and 3) conduct an assessment to identify gaps between what fire departments currently possess and what they require to meet equipment, staffing, and training needs.

Handbook for EMS Medical Directors

This handbook provides a baseline overview of key roles and responsibilities to assist current and prospective medical directors who serve and support local-level Emergency Medical Services (EMS) departments of all types. Issues covered include training, certification, personnel selection, health and safety, billing, and liability. Requests must be faxed on organization letterhead to 301-447-1213. Copies are restricted to EMS Physicians and EMS Medical Directors.

Information for First Responders on Maintaining Operational Capabilities During a Pandemic

This document, in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “Pandemic Influenza: Best Practices and Model Protocols” (2007), is intended to support the first responders’ efforts to provide the best possible service to their team and their community. In the midst of a pandemic, first responder leaders and operators should integrate this information with their existing planning efforts, knowledge, experience and training and apply it to their specific situation when appropriate

Investigation of MODIS-Detected Fires in NFIRS

The first report in our Wildfire Report Series investigates the feasibility of using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data as a means for identifying wildfire incidents that may be missing from NFIRS.

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National Safety Culture Change Initiative

This report looks at fire and emergency service cultural aspects that contribute to occupational illnesses, injuries and fatalities. It provides a basic understanding of the fire and emergency service culture, identifies individual and organizational behaviors that positively and negatively impact health and safety, and highlights focus areas for change by raising awareness about unsafe practices.

Operational Lessons Learned in Disaster Response

This report looks at after action reviews from major disasters of the past decade to gain insight into lessons learned. It identifies gaps and needs in first responder training and resources and presents solutions that serve to better prepare local-level fire services for all-hazard events and to interact with federal resources. The disasters studied were weather-related events that required responding firefighters to assume duties for which they were unprepared or for situations they never anticipated.

Operational Templates and Guidance for EMS Mass Care Incident Deployment

Provides information for local-level Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and fire departments on the development of preparedness policies for mass care incidents, including natural and man-made disasters, large gathering and pandemic events, and other emergencies potentially resulting in large numbers of patients.

Looking for an older USFA publication? You can find it in the National Emergency Training Center Library. From the library’s online card catalog, enter your keywords and then under Limit by Collection, check USFA Publication.